Question / Help D3D10


New Member
Could not create D3D10 device and swap chain. This error can happen for one of the following reasons.

I know this is in the FAQ, but I still get this bug even though I've fixed all 3 of the possible problems.

1. Your GPU is not supported (DirectX 10 is required - many integrated laptop GPUs do not support DX10.)


I have DirectX 11. That img should also give you everything you need to know about my graphics card.

2. You're running Windows Vista without the "Platform Update"


Already did this a few weeks ago.

3. Your video card drivers are out of date


I also restarted after it was updated and I still get the error.

So am I missing a .dll or some other more technical problem?


Forum Admin
You have the barebones of DirectX 11. Intel's older mobile graphics do not support the full array of DirectX features, some of the more advanced ones which OBS uses.


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Forum Moderator
I may be able to work around this issue for those cheaper/older intel-gpus in the future. Though it'll probably be months before I can get to it due to the code changes it requires.