Bug Report d3d10 cant be created?


New Member
when i try to start streaming or preview streaming, i get an error message that says the d3d10 file cannot be created, which stops me from live streaming, and id really rather use obs, as most of the other ones take up a LOT of my ram, which ruins my fps, while obs seems to take the littliest amount of ram ever, so id really like it if someone could help me fix this


New Member
awwwwwwww, DARNIT!!!!!!, im using integrated graphics, i dont have a real graphics card :'( do you know if there ever going to be supported? as my current comp is an ultra-slim form factor, so i cant just buy a graphics card to put in it, or is there any way to force obs to run? or trick d3d10 into working? as i cant find any other free live stream software, and xsplit takes way to much ram


Forum Admin
Afraid not. Integrated cards just don't have the necessary features that OBS currently uses to achieve it's performance levels.


New Member
darn, well do you know of any other free live streaming software with twitch.tv support that doesnt use a lot of ram? as xsplit just causes my fps to go to 5


New Member
tried it, it says it started streaming, but twitch still said i was offline, and yes, i did set everything correctly and tell it to use my stream settings


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
It does support integrated graphics, but unfortunately some older/lower end models do not have the required features that I have implemented in the application (some of which are really important). Older intel integrated chips do not support the features, but newer ones do. I'm really sorry about this. I want to support everything, but it's difficult.


New Member
Krazy said:
Only Sandy Bridge and later HD graphics are supported still.

yeah, im ok now, got a new pc, i now have an intel hd 2500, and obs runs great :D (i plan to eventually upgrade to a gtx 650 ti ssc, so that i can run all my games at max settings as well, lol)