Customizing OBS Studio


New Member
Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on a project where I need to customize OBS Studio using the OBS WebSocket library, specifically the obs-websocket-dotnet library version I'm relatively new to using this library.

What I'm Trying to Achieve:
I want to programmatically switch scenes based on certain conditions and I need to start and stop recordings using a custom interface.

Steps I've Taken:
1.Installed the OBS WebSocket plugin for OBS Studio.
2.Set up a basic MVC application in C# project and added the obs-websocket-dotnet library version
3.Established a connection to OBS using the WebSocket.

The Issue I'm Facing:
The connection to OBS works, but we did't understand how to create sences and sources,how to get it in programatically.

Additional Information:
I am using MVC application with C#
OBS WebSocket version:
OBS Studio version: (30.2.0(64bit))
Built an MVC application with C#
What I've Tried:
we wrote the code to create sences but it not working properly.
Please give me any Suggestions?
I'd really appreciate any advice or examples from those who have experience with customizing OBS Studio using this library. Thank you in advance for your help!

Note:I am looking for a virtual camera developer or an OBS camera consultant who can help with these specific requirements.
If you mostly want to "programmatically switch scenes based on certain conditions and I need to start and stop recordings," it would be easier to create and edit the scenes and in using OBS, and use WebSocket to switch between them, at least as a first step.

Sources and scenes can have lots of properties and sub-parts. Changing scenes, starting and stopping recording, or changing audio level is much simpler,


Active Member
If you're just looking to automate it, and you don't care how, have a look at this plugin that already exists and works:

Also, if you're using the current version of OBS, you don't need a Websocket plugin. It'll probably interfere or just not work. OBS has its own WS server built-in already. Tools -> Websocket Server Settings


For a custom UI and easy code (once you get used to it), have a look at this:
It's based on passing JSON messages between bits of Javascript, and has a TON of pre-made modules ("nodes") to do common simple stuff. One of them is for WebSockets.
And once you have the server / interpreter installed and running, you can install a "Dashboard" palette, which gives you a bunch more nodes for things like buttons, meters, etc. Build your UI with that, and point a web browser at it to use it.


If you only need a couple of buttons, then the Advanced Scene Switcher might be all you need. Tell it to register some key macros as Docks in OBS, and then put those docks wherever you want like any other dockable window.
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