Question / Help Custom Streaming Service question


New Member
So I was curious as to what exactly you use the "custom" option under the Streaming service option for and if you could use it to broadcast to a local source (such as another computer to use as another source.) .

All in all my goal is to stream to twitch and use the video from two different LAN computers as scenes I can switch to and from during the live stream.

I've read a little bit on setting up RMTP server but not enough to really get that going so any help with that would be appreciated!


You would have to setup a media server in order to take in a RTMP stream. I made a similar topic looking for a way to take in a RTMP stream locally, but there doesn't seem to be a solution for this yet. Xsplit offers a premium service for this called delay server, which allows you to do this (but I haven't used it).

Hopefully it will be added to OBS in the future.