Custom output resolution


New Member

Apologies if this has been posted before, im new to the forums - or perhaps you can do this already and i have overlooked it..

I think it would a great idea to allow us to do a custom output resolution as currently you can only scale it down to 1.5 / 2 / 2.25 etc. This would allow for people such as myself with a lower upload but who want a clearer text display to set a better 16:9 resolution for themselves, for example - i would like to use 1088x612 or a slightly lower 16:9.

If this is already possible please tell me as i may have overlooked it, if not i think it would be really great for you guys to add in.



What is your base resolution that you want to have 1088x612? It looks like a really weird random number.
The current downscaling is fixed because that way it's faster and can achieve better quality.
There is a way to use any resolution you want. To do this, set the base resolution to whatever you want and then scale the sources in the preview window to match the base resolution.
This will negatively impact image quality.


New Member
1088x612 was just like a "sweetspot" resolution for me on Xsplit, didn't really blur and had good text quality :)

It would be easier to have it the way I have said, although i'l try your way sometime :)


Forum Admin
The downscale options are a limitation of the particular downscale algorithm they use. Like Grimio said, you can set any base resolution you want and just resize your source to fit in the window, which would accomplish exactly what Xsplit was already doing. The downscale option is in case you have a common resolution you want to downscale from or to, and using that downscale algorithm it will look better than if you had set the base resolution and resized.

I recommend setting the base resolution manually, with no downscale. As I said, you can't just add more downscale options for this particular algorithm, unfortunately.