Question / Help Custom Fonts "Font Not Found"


New Member
I'm using .ttf fonts, about 8 of them so far have all failed. I haven't gotten a single custom font to work. When I add a text source and set the font from the list and click Okay it says "Font Not Fount" in a dialog window.

When I set it to "Use Custom Text Extents" it allows me to accept it with the Okay button but then no text actually shows up in the text source.

What is the significance of the "Font Not Found" error? These are all .ttf fonts. Can someone maybe send me their custom font that works for them so I can test it out on my end?



New Member
Having this problem as well. I'm using OBS in portable mode. The font list also shows fonts that I no longer have installed. So the list isn't looking for updates?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
It's unusual if so. It isn't using its own list or anything. It's just using the list of fonts installed in windows. If a font isn't listed it usually means that it's not compatible with the text renderer though.


New Member
You just have to close down OBS and relaunch it under administrator.. (Sorry, I know this is old but there was no answer so here you go) :)