Custom downscale resolution


I'm sure it's already been asked for, but I'd like to set my own as my current one is too low, but original res is too high.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I will try to get a fully custom downscale option in the future, but unfortunately I can't right away or anything at the moment


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Haha, yea, I know I know, "It's planned(tm)".. Sorry about that. I have so many people requesting so many different features and I have to kind of cherry pick which one comes next. Wish I could clone myself over and over, but then I fear I might have to pull "The Prestige".


Forum Moderator
It could be nice to be able to convert scenes from one base resolution to another, scaling all sources proportionally.


One resolution to rule them all would be cool, but I can't imagine that being easier to code then simply downscaling a scene.

I don't mind if it's planned, as long as it's planned... Stuff takes time and how fast you're developing OBS is really amazing. I don't doubt that'll eventually make it in sooner or later.

Of course there are much more important things to top that list. But if I had to pick and choose I'd most definitely put lan and GPU assisted encoding at the top of the features list. ;)



New Member
Just wanted to check if custom downscale is still 'planned' and can it be expected with current builds or only in rewrite?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Implemented in the rewrite. Rewrite won't be ready for quite some time though still.


New Member
+1 for this.
Issue: I have 2560x1440 monitor. If I want to use QuicSync max res is 1920x1200, so I need to use downscale and options available in settings are just silly:
- first usable resolution 1.50 1706x960

No way to achieve 1920x1080. If I set global rest to 1080p OBS will only capture a 1080p crop from 1440p image...


Community Helper
You won't be able to downscale to a resolution with a different aspect ratio. You can't downscale in any meaningful way from 2560x1440 to 1920x1080 unless you want to end up with a distorted image.


Community Helper
Er, sorry, I guess I had a brain fart. For some reason I was thinking it was 16:10. I guess your comment about 1920x1200 threw me off. Nevermind :)


New Member
How can I setup OBS to record in 1920x1080 when I have 1440p monitor?

If I set base resolution (custom) enter 1920x1080 manually the recording will be a crop from 1440p starting from top left corner (so the right bottom corner is cut out). Using quick sync.


The Helping Squad
Did you fit your source to the scene? A source that is 2560x1440 wont fit into 1920x1080 unless you resize it.
Right-Click the desired source, under Position and Size click on "Fit to screen".


New Member
Implemented in the rewrite. Rewrite won't be ready for quite some time though still.

This was posted on Sep 22 2014. It's been quiet some time since the post was made and we still don't have custom downsize resolution select-ability.

Any update? Thanks for your hard work!