Bug Report Cursor Problem / Preview Problem


New Member

I've got small problem with OBS. When I turn on preview on OBS, my cursor is randomly blinking (in-game, not in-game, all the time).

Any solution?

And one question additionally. Is there an possibility to turn off preview while streaming? I don't need preview TBH, and it's using a lot of my hardware resources and also couse problem with cursor.


I guess your first problem is when using Software Capture source. To capture games it's better to use Game Capture source because you'll offload your CPU with it and gain even more FPS. However, if you want to stream using Software Capture, have you tried disabling the 'Capture Layered Windows' option in it? Afaik it's causing the 'cursor flickering' problem.

You can turn off the preview by right clicking on it and unchecking 'Show Preview', although it will only take effect from stream restart.


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Cursor blinking can occur if you turn on "capture layered" in software capture. Also, you can right click the preview window and select an option to disable preview.