Bug Report Cursor not visible


New Member

I'm using OBS to record a tutorial, but I don't want to show anything but the Google Chrome window.

First, I used the "Capture window" and captured just the Chrome process. This caused problems because tables of alternatives didn't get included. For example, when selecting a time (in this webbased software that I'm doing a tutorial for) you get a scroll down list of option to choose from. This list wont appear when recording.

So to get around this I thought I could just capture monitor and customize the resolution instead. So I went for 1920x1040 to exclude the windows menu on the bottom. This worked great, until after I finished recording it I realized that the cursor didn't show. I tried unchecking the option for "Capture mouse cursor" and then checking it again, but the cursor wont show.

I searched on here for a possible fix/previous reports on this, but couldn't find anything concrete, only R1CH with a post of "The cursor bug is fixed". I couldn't find any post where it explain it has been fixed.

I am using the version 0.427beta (64-bit) on a new Asus laptop with an external 24" BenQ monitor where the capturing is going on.

I also read somewhere that some games with custom cursors had problems with capturing the cursor, so I thought that my increased sized-cursor (for visibility in tutorial) might have caused it, so I changed to the standard size but it didn't fix the issue.

All responses are appreciated.




OBS does not capture layered windows. If you see something on your screen that is not visible in the OBS preview or stream then it is a layered window. If the mouse cursor is visible when it is not over the program, then it is possible that the program is hiding the actual cursor and replacing it with a layered image in the same position. Assuming you have Aero disabled, you might try to enable it and try window capture again. If that still doesn't work, you might be able to capture the window with the Game Capture source (as long as Aero is enabled).


New Member
I'm using W8 (involuntarily) on this work computer, so Aero is non existant.

I actually thought up until just now that "Capture Layered Windows" referred to the OS Windows. I feel stupid now.

Still don't have a fix for this, but Jim said he's got it fixed in the latest source but not latest test build.