Bug Report Cursor flicker @ capture layered windows


New Member
I know its windows issues, but I separate the layered source 200x300 from monitor-1 1920x1080 in the same LCD

and it works on 0.466 version that cursor didnt flicker in 1920x1080 area, only flicker in 200x300 area which need layered.
But now 0.472b, cursor flicker all the time even i uncheck the source...

Can you debug this problem?

I use growl to show the chatroom, growl need layered, but it just need a small area in monitor.
Why 1 small layered source make full scenes cursor flicker?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I didn't really change any code for that in these versions, so that shouldn't be happening. The flickering is typically caused within windows itself and isn't technically a bug of OBS, but something within the windows code itself. Though if you wish you could try to confirm that it only happens with that specific version or something.