Question / Help [CSGO] - [Game Capture] > FPS Drops


New Member

I'm a beginner streamer and I experience lot of FPS drops [ I'm pretty sure I didnt config correctly OBS, And I was looking around ].
Without streaming my FPS is 200~280.
While streaming my FPS is 100~160 and the game is not that smooth.

OBS Log:

Analyzer didnt give any errors.

PC Specs
CPU: Intel Core i5-2500 3.30GHz
Memory: 8 GB
Video Card: nVidia GeForce GTX 570
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

Speed test:

In-Game Settings:
Quality is all low and fps max is 300, even tried 200.
Resolution: 1920x1080

OBS Settings:

Thanks alot! <3


Community Helper
The log looks fine, but you have to understand that live video encoding is a strenuous activity on your computer. That kind of performance drop sounds normal, though I don't understand why you're not purposefully capping CS:GO's framerate at your monitor's refresh rate, because frames above that are wasted processing power.

Regardless, if you want better performance in-game, then you'll need to lower your encoding settings, or get a dedicated streaming box with a capture card. I would start by streaming at 30fps rather than 60fps.


I'm not sure how much it's gonna improve, but you can try using the default bilinear filter instead of the lanczos.


Community Helper
The biggest ways you can improve things would be to change your x264 preset to superfast or ultrafast, and downscale your resolution even further. Of course, that will degrade your quality quite a bit, but that's the price you pay for better in-game performance.


New Member
OBS fps is now set to 30 and downscale is 1.75.
In-game fps is really good and the stream quality is also pretty much good :).



New Member
Hello! Sory about my question, cause is not at all on the subject. I am also a beginner, need your advice. Found an interesting site in the web, but does not dare to buy skin. Can any living creature knows where you can get them for free?