Question / Help CS Go Problem


New Member
Hi I have a problem namely how I want to record from a counter strike him to have a permanent 190 fps lag is not dating but I mean cuts


New Member
Explain yourself a bit more clearly, cause i don't understand what your asking.

Because I want to record with CS game I did not cut down but as I move finder is moving as if frames

As further you do not understand I'm sorry , but it hurts in English and I use Google Translator


Yeah the translator isnt working in your favor. Mind explaining your situation in your native language, and maybe someone who speaks the same language can help you. Or i can try using a translator to help you out further


New Member
If you can translate this
"Mam problem ponieważ jak chcę nagrywać z gry Cs to wszystko jest ok 190fps ale jak poruszam celownikiem to celownik porusza się kratkami"