Crowfounding OBS on kickstarter


New Member

Have you thought about running a campaign on Kickstarter ? I think you meet all requirements. Jim has already proven that he can produce a quality software. I personally think that it would be money well spent. And reaching out to potential backers is dead easy: mix a addition of new (big?) feature with a small message in installer (or at first start) and boom - every money-making (or hoping to do that) caster will at least consider :).

I could even provide some zero-cost prices like:
- $2-50 mention in "thank you"/about box
- $50+ preloaded scene with your picture and name as one of the slides

Project like OBS deserves a few full-time payrolls while retaining its free & open (like a beer) status.


Forum Moderator
What makes you think OBS needs venture capital? Jim is already working on OBS full time anyway.