Question / Help Crop Canvas Streaming Output


New Member
Dear community,

I am trying to restrict the part of the OBS canvas that is streamed to Twitch. I know all the ways in which I can divide/resize different sources on the canvas in terms of resizing and cropping the input sources with filters etc, but I am somehow not getting around adjust the part of the canvas that is streamed. It is always streaming ALL of the canvas. So lets say i made a 3840x1920 canvas in the settings and have two sources in 1920x1080 next to each other.

Now I only want the right side (1920x1080) part of the canvas being streamed to my twitch, not the other half. How do i do that? Is it possible?

Thanks so much!

PS: If this functionality is beyond OBS, does anyhone have ideas for a workaround/plugin that can do that?


Active Member
Not conveniently.

You CAN, however, move objects out of your canvas.

However given the ability to have different sources in different scenes and switch between them, I guess I'm not understaning what the use case is for this. The definition of the canvas is... the area that gets streamed.

If you have two sources you want to be left and right of each other, make them each a scene that fills the canvas. You can even use a slide transition to move between them so the audience perceives them as being next to each other.


New Member
Hi Narco, thanks for the response. Thats unfortunate. Moving out of the canvas does not help. Use case is that I am bringing in a webstream image on the left 1920x1080 part of the canvas, then feeding that via NDI output into a visual programme, mixing the feed and then bringing that via NDI input on the right 1920x1080 side of the total canvas 3840x1080 and then i only want the remixed right side to broadcast via twitch. any suggestions/workarounds?


Active Member
I guess what I don't see is why you can't just capture the right side... if the "left side" isn't being broadcast at all, why is it even in the canvas?

I'm pretty sure OBS can't do what you've asked, at least not the way you've asked it, and I'm not yet clear on exactly what you are trying to do, so I can't tell if there's another way to do it, although I think there should be.

Like... if you need to bring in a stream from another source and pump it via NDI into a processing program, but it isn't being broadcast, then:

1) Capture that content with Scan Converter and not OBS, so it's never in your canvas, because it doesn't need to be;


2) Put it in a separate scene, give that scene a dedicated NDI output, and use that feed for processing


New Member
perfect, it works. The missing piece was that i didnt know i could do a dedicated NDI output in a separate scene and use that output while the scene is not selected on the streaming canvas. Perfect, thanks a lot!