Bug Report Crashing frequently when streaming Baldur's Gate EE


New Member
When streaming Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, OBS seems to frequently crash.
Most of the time it happens very quickly after starting streaming, but a few times I've been able to stream for hours without it crashing.

The same thing was happening with 0.466 before I updated to 0.47, so it's not a new error.
I haven't used the program all that much, but I've never seen it crash this way before when streaming Dark Souls among other things.

Here's the content of the latest crash log:

This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\windows\system32\nvwgf2um.dll' module.

Fault address: 604D865C (c:\windows\system32\nvwgf2um.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.47a
Windows version: 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1

Crashing thread stack trace:
Stack EIP Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Address
1118EA7C 604D865C 02C2FFD0 02A6FF64 000000C4 000000CA nvwgf2um.dll!0x604d865c
1118EA90 601929FC 02C0FC78 0573CC40 02B14140 1118EC98 nvwgf2um.dll!0x601929fc
1118EB50 601917C9 02C0FC78 0573CC40 00000000 02A6E000 nvwgf2um.dll!0x601917c9
1118EC00 6016B158 0013A594 0573CC40 1118EC94 000000C4 nvwgf2um.dll!0x6016b158
1118EC64 5FF7C437 0573CB70 0013A594 00000000 0573CC40 nvwgf2um.dll!0x5ff7c437
1118ECF4 5FFC0284 0573CC40 101C011C 101C01F0 1118EE58 nvwgf2um.dll!0x5ffc0284
1118ED64 601862F4 0013A594 101C01F0 101C011C 1118EE58 nvwgf2um.dll!0x601862f4
1118EE20 5FF484B4 101C01F0 101C011C 1118EE58 1118EEC4 nvwgf2um.dll!0x5ff484b4
1118EE44 5FF5744E 0013A594 1118EEC4 101C01F0 101C011C nvwgf2um.dll!0x5ff5744e
1118EEAC 5FF95CA9 0013A594 1118EFC8 101C01F0 101C011C nvwgf2um.dll!0x5ff95ca9
1118EF08 720804B0 1118EFC8 00000000 101C011C 101C017C d3d10_1core.dll!0x720804b0
1118EF48 72083A71 1118F168 43BBCDE0 1118F194 1118F2D0 d3d10_1core.dll!0x72083a71
1118EF64 7208AED8 1118F168 101C017C 101C00E8 720E21C8 d3d10_1core.dll!0x7208aed8
1118EFA0 7208B743 00000002 1118F2A4 0000002C 101C00E8 d3d10_1core.dll!0x7208b743
1118F1B4 7207A379 00139190 00000002 1118F2A4 0000002C d3d10_1core.dll!0x7207a379
1118F1D4 720E4534 00000002 1118F2A4 0000002C 101C00E8 dxgi.dll!0x720e4534
1118F200 720E4501 00000002 1118F2A4 0000002C 101C00E8 dxgi.dll!0x720e4501
1118F21C 720E48C5 1118F2A0 43BBD001 0000002C 00139040 dxgi.dll!0x720e48c5
1118F23C 720E47B6 1118F2A0 101C0114 101C00E8 72072150 dxgi.dll!0x720e47b6
1118F278 720E4739 00000002 1118F3C4 0000002C 101C00E8 dxgi.dll!0x720e4739
1118F2F8 720E4092 00139038 00000002 1118F3C4 0000002C dxgi.dll!0x720e4092
1118F318 7208BCA1 00000002 1118F3C4 0000002C 101C00E8 d3d10_1core.dll!0x7208bca1
1118F344 7208CFCD 1118F3C4 43BBD1EC 1118F3F0 1118F51C d3d10_1core.dll!0x7208cfcd
1118F360 7208DB74 1118F3C4 101C00FC 101C00E8 720E21C8 d3d10_1core.dll!0x7208db74
1118F39C 7208E441 00000002 1118F4F0 0000002C 101C00E8 d3d10_1core.dll!0x7208e441
1118F410 72079289 0013900C 00000002 1118F4F0 0000002C d3d10_1core.dll!0x72079289
1118F430 720E3F8A 1118F544 43BBD6F9 0000002C 1118F4F0 dxgi.dll!0x720e3f8a
1118F45C 720E428F 00000000 1118F544 101C00E8 720720E8 dxgi.dll!0x720e428f
1118F490 720E423D 1118F544 00138FE8 101C00E8 00000000 dxgi.dll!0x720e423d
1118F4D8 720E41E9 00138FE8 00000002 1118F630 0000002C dxgi.dll!0x720e41e9
1118F570 720870C9 80004005 1118F6E4 00000000 1118F6DC d3d10_1core.dll!0x720870c9
1118F684 72087BD1 001391B0 1118F708 1118F6E4 1118F6DC d3d10_1core.dll!0x72087bd1
1118F6A0 7208C3FD 0013901C 1118F708 1118F6E4 1118F6DC d3d10_1core.dll!0x7208c3fd
1118F6BC 013BC990 00000031 00000031 00000006 02A6E000 obs.exe!D3D10Texture::CreateTexture+0x140
1118F738 013BADE2 00000031 00000031 00000006 02A6E000 obs.exe!D3D10System::CreateTexture+0x22
1118F750 738B2689 00000031 00000031 00000006 02A6E000 graphicscapture.dll!CreateTexture+0x29
1118F76C 738B340B 00294F1C 00294F24 00000000 001B042B graphicscapture.dll!GraphicsCaptureSource::Render+0x10b
1118F824 0F08185E 43BB83E0 00000000 00000000 1118FCF0 obsapi.dll!Scene::Render+0x6e
1118F83C 013D618C 00000000 000C0054 00000000 00000003 obs.exe!OBS::MainCaptureLoop+0xacc
1118F914 605AC92D 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 nvwgf2um.dll!0x605ac92d

A minidump was saved to C:\Users\Forb.Jok\AppData\Roaming\OBS\crashDumps\OBSCrashDump2013-02-06_1.dmp.
Please include this file when posting a crash report.

List of loaded modules:
Base Address Module


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
if you're playing it windowed mode, try using window capture instead as it's a bit more stable, with certain games and apps game capture can be a little less stable but it's the only real option for fullscreen games


New Member
I'm not playing it in windowed mode.
I tried that briefly before for other reasons, but I found that it was impractical for that particular game because everytime I try to scroll by moving the cursor to the edge of the window, it will just leave the window since it isn't locked inside the window unlike fullscreen.

Regarding window capture (I'm guessing you refer to the "Software Capture" source), does it work equally well with regards to performance and capture quality when used on games?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Not sure what to suggest for the time being, unfortunately. I have BG:EE so I'll take a look.

Yes it does, window capture is just as good as game capture (as long as aero is enabled)