Bug Report Crashes after multiple stream disconnects

Ever since I started streaming Black Ops 2 PC, OBS crash after approximately 10 stream disconnects that are due to a busy CPU. This happens only on Black Ops 2 because of poor coding on Treyarch's part that causes slow map loading, where it gets stuck at "awaiting textures" and hog the CPU until it completes on AMD video cards.

Anyway the crash is related to this because it only happens after the stream disconnects in these conditions multiple times. Around 10 times in one session.

It wasn't bothering me until the last time it crashed, it corrupted my scenes.xconfig file somehow. Now I'm going to lose scenes for a lot of different games, unless someone can help me repair the file. It appears to be intact, but I have no idea what the proper syntax of the file is.

Heres a link to the file
https://www.dropbox.com/s/bimnzeib4wen0 ... es.xconfig


Sadly, what happened to it is that it simply was truncated past a certain point and there is no way for us to know what is supposed to come after it; as they were your scenes. I can "fix" it for you to the point where it should in fact load but it will not be complete.

So, you will have to add some sources back in, I have no idea how many. As I have no way of knowing how much was truncated.

https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5iVs91 ... sp=sharing
Kharay said:
Sadly, what happened to it is that it simply was truncated past a certain point and there is no way for us to know what is supposed to come after it; as they were your scenes. I can "fix" it for you to the point where it should in fact load but it will not be complete.

So, you will have to add some sources back in, I have no idea how many. As I have no way of knowing how much was truncated.

https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5iVs91 ... sp=sharing
I overwrote the old one with this one and its still parsing incorrectly


Try it again, with this one: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5iVs91 ... sp=sharing

Have been able to determine where the corruption takes place too; global sources unfortunately ended up messed up. As I said, truncated. So, I just removed the whole global sources section. I hope you did not have too many of those.

I would imagine it parsing properly now, just without the globals.


Forum Admin
The crash dump seems to indicate memory corruption, which may be coming from one of your sources or something else. Narrowing it down would help. Does Black Ops 2 only cause the disconnecting or do you have issues with other games too?


As much as OBS crashing might indeed be an issue that needs attention, I would say the the solution to your particular problem is a fix for Black Ops 2. Are there no ways to improve on the performance of that particular title?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QolU3f5z7g4 is the closest thing I could find for you. Essentially, he is setting a few key graphical parameters to performance mode on a driver level. And from the looks of it it does seem to help his map loading time.
Kharay said:
As much as OBS crashing might indeed be an issue that needs attention, I would say the the solution to your particular problem is a fix for Black Ops 2. Are there no ways to improve on the performance of that particular title?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QolU3f5z7g4 is the closest thing I could find for you. Essentially, he is setting a few key graphical parameters to performance mode on a driver level. And from the looks of it it does seem to help his map loading time.
That fix is specifically for people who have switchable onboard graphics and a dedicated accelerator. I'm using a 7870 and have no onboard graphics. The problem I'm having is caused by poor shader compiling speed specific to ATI cards which also occurred in Black Ops 1 but there was a console command you could use to compile all shaders on first load. They removed the Dev console in BO2