Bug Report Crash while compiling MP4.


New Member
Is there a way to recover the MP4? I was recording a game with autosave functionality and I can't redo the section I just lost. The file is there, but it won't open in any video editor.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
this is fixed in the test build, I'll probably make it an official release soon


New Member
That's good to hear, but in the meantime is there a way to recover the failed MP4?

I'm not familiar with how MP4s work. Is the file just garbage at this point or is there a software that can make sense of it?


New Member
Hello, I'm having this problem as well.. Could we have that official release soon? It was ok, then suddenly it crashed..
Now I can't record a single video, either it's a 1second or 1hour, the compiling mp4 crashes, I need it so bad.

Just in case, here's 3 logs and crash .dumps of the same problem


Town drunk
You can use the latest test version for now.

Unfortunately, I don't think there is any way to recover the failed MP4, the data is probably just straight up corrupted.