Question / Help Crash reports and lags


I have a small problem with streaming OBS program:
First: during transmission to toggle between windows. When I return to the game League of Legends crash report pops up and the program stops working ...

Second: At the intersection of AMD FX-4100 4x3, 6GHz, GeForce GTX 560, 8GB ram, download the Internet: 50mb / s and upload 5mb / s I have a problem.Once I configure OBS then, after the stream from the game League of Legends spradają me to somewhere 40-60 fps, but it is rather inevitable and understandable. A worse problem is that when viewers are watching Stream lag on it ... Operate normally after the one second lag and still works normally and still every 5 seconds.

Are you able to help me with these problems? And how much time should be fps with this equipment during transmission.

Thank you in advance for your help.