Bug Report Crash Report (what to do?) help


New Member
Hey guys, I'm a german twitch streamer and I have every day the same problem with OBS :(

I hope anyone can help me here .. thx a lot guys!

here the log:
OBS has encountered an unhandled exception and has terminated. If you are able to
reproduce this crash, please submit this crash report on the forums at
http://www.obsproject.com/ - include the contents of this crash log and the
minidump .dmp file (if available) as well as your regular OBS log files and
a description of what you were doing at the time of the crash.

This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\windows\system32\atidxx32.dll' module.

Fault address: 6028A41A (c:\windows\system32\atidxx32.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.472b
Windows version: 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1

Crashing thread stack trace:
Stack    EIP      Arg0     Arg1     Arg2     Arg3     Address
104CEB58 6028A41A 00000000 07C6EC00 104CEBE8 00000500 atidxx32.dll!0x6028a41a
104CEB98 5FF0E0D4 104CED64 104CECD4 104CED04 02B3C89C atidxx32.dll!0x5ff0e0d4
104CEC0C 5FF0DEE0 02B3A228 00000000 104CEDB8 104CED64 atidxx32.dll!0x5ff0dee0
104CED2C 5FEB5EA1 104CEDB8 08310000 00000414 00000000 atidxx32.dll!0x5feb5ea1
104CED9C 5FEBF0A4 104CEE50 02941D40 104CEE50 02B24078 atidxx32.dll!0x5febf0a4
104CEDE4 5FEBE92A 02941D40 02941D40 104CEE50 104CEE34 atidxx32.dll!0x5febe92a
104CEE10 5FEB4CB4 104CEE50 104CEE50 0076C8EC 006FA0A4 atidxx32.dll!0x5feb4cb4
104CEE24 5FEED04E 104CEE50 006F8984 104CF104 0076C8BC atidxx32.dll!0x5feed04e
104CEE3C 5FED492A 006FA0A4 104CF104 0076C8EC 0074CE00 atidxx32.dll!0x5fed492a
104CEEBC 6457450A 006F8984 104CF104 0076C8EC 0074CE00 atiuxpag.dll!0x6457450a
104CEEDC 60F28A90 0076C8BC 00000000 104CF104 00000000 d3d11.dll!0x60f28a90
104CEF84 60F28574 0076C8BC 00000000 104CF2A8 088ECBA2 d3d11.dll!0x60f28574
104CEFA8 60EFE96C 0076C84C 104CF2A8 60EDB89C 0076C7D8 d3d11.dll!0x60efe96c
104CEFEC 60EFAFC1 0076C84C 0076C7A8 60EDB89C 0076C7D8 d3d11.dll!0x60efafc1
104CF020 60EF20D5 006F04C4 104CF390 0076C7A8 0076C7D8 d3d11.dll!0x60ef20d5
104CF2F8 60EE22F7 006F0484 00000002 104CF390 00000030 d3d11.dll!0x60ee22f7
104CF310 60F144EF 00000002 104CF390 00000030 0076C7A8 d3d11.dll!0x60f144ef
104CF338 60F14541 004CF38C 088ED7B2 0076C7A8 104CF514 d3d11.dll!0x60f14541
104CF374 60F0D462 006ECA68 0076C7C8 0076C7A8 60EDB89C d3d11.dll!0x60f0d462
104CF3FC 60EE246A 006F01C4 00000002 104CF4C0 00000030 d3d11.dll!0x60ee246a
104CF418 60F1CD6C 0076C7A8 104CF514 0076C7A8 60EDD02C d3d11.dll!0x60f1cd6c
104CF464 60F1C9AC 104CF514 006F0198 0076C7A8 60EDD02C d3d11.dll!0x60f1c9ac
104CF4AC 60F1C285 006F0198 00000002 104CF590 00000030 d3d11.dll!0x60f1c285
104CF54C 60EF9761 104CF700 00000001 088ED2E2 00000000 d3d11.dll!0x60ef9761
104CF574 60EE843E 006F04C4 00000000 104CF700 00000000 d3d11.dll!0x60ee843e
104CF6AC 60F1E44A 006F04FC 104CF788 104CF764 104CF75C d3d11.dll!0x60f1e44a
104CF73C 00E2CBF0 00000105 00000105 00000006 08310000 obs.exe!D3D10Texture::CreateTexture+0x140
104CF7B8 00E2B032 00000105 00000105 00000006 08310000 obs.exe!D3D10System::CreateTexture+0x22
104CF7D0 745626B9 00000105 00000105 00000006 08310000 graphicscapture.dll!CreateTexture+0x29
104CF7EC 745635D0 001C699C 001C69A4 00000001 0005520D graphicscapture.dll!GraphicsCaptureSource::Render+0x170
104CF8A4 701E1E1E 088E021B 00000000 00000000 104CFD7C obsapi.dll!Scene::Render+0x6e
104CF8BC 00E46B5C 00000000 00000000 104CFD7C 00000000 obs.exe!OBS::MainCaptureLoop+0xacc
104CF8C0 088E021B 00000000 104CFD7C 00000000 65440000 <unknown>!0x88e021b

A minidump was saved to C:\Users\TELMi\AppData\Roaming\OBS\crashDumps\OBSCrashDump2013-04-20_4.dmp.
Please include this file when posting a crash report.

List of loaded modules:
Base Address      Module


  • OBSCrashDump2013-04-20_4.rar
    74.4 KB · Views: 23


New Member
okay, i try now the new test build.

Can i use my settings on the new test build?
and thanks!!

in the new beta version the scrolltext is corrupt or?? :(
ah ok i read the fix comes with the next version..