Bug Report crash logs


New Member
Fault address: 5E7AA60E (c:\windows\system32\atidxx32.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.472b
Windows version: 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1

Crashing thread stack trace:
Stack EIP Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Address
0B1BE918 5E7AA60E 00000000 04B46300 0B1BE9A8 00000500 atidxx32.dll!0x5e7aa60e
0B1BE958 5E42E0D4 0B1BEB24 0B1BEA94 0B1BEAC4 0386C7E4 atidxx32.dll!0x5e42e0d4
0B1BE9CC 5E42DEE0 038648C0 00000000 0B1BEB78 0B1BEB24 atidxx32.dll!0x5e42dee0
0B1BEAEC 5E3D5EA1 0B1BEB78 03300000 00000414 00000000 atidxx32.dll!0x5e3d5ea1
0B1BEB5C 5E3DF0A4 0B1BEC10 03251D40 0B1BEC10 03854078 atidxx32.dll!0x5e3df0a4
0B1BEBA4 5E3DE92A 03251D40 03251D40 0B1BEC10 0B1BEBF4 atidxx32.dll!0x5e3de92a
0B1BEBD0 5E3D4CB4 0B1BEC10 0B1BEC10 0073162C 006ED5C4 atidxx32.dll!0x5e3d4cb4
0B1BEBE4 5E40D04E 0B1BEC10 006EBEA4 0B1BEEC4 007315FC atidxx32.dll!0x5e40d04e
0B1BEBFC 5E3F492A 006ED5C4 0B1BEEC4 0073162C 006F4D20 atidxx32.dll!0x5e3f492a
0B1BEC7C 6613450A 006EBEA4 0B1BEEC4 0073162C 006F4D20 atiuxpag.dll!0x6613450a
0B1BEC9C 74198A90 007315FC 00000000 0B1BEEC4 00000000 d3d11.dll!0x74198a90
0B1BED44 74198574 007315FC 00000000 0B1BF068 94D58CDA d3d11.dll!0x74198574
0B1BED68 7416E96C 0073158C 0B1BF068 7414B89C 00731520 d3d11.dll!0x7416e96c
0B1BEDAC 7416AFC1 0073158C 007314F0 7414B89C 00731520 d3d11.dll!0x7416afc1
0B1BEDE0 741620D5 006E059C 0B1BF150 007314F0 00731520 d3d11.dll!0x741620d5
0B1BF0B8 741522F7 006E055C 00000002 0B1BF150 00000030 d3d11.dll!0x741522f7
0B1BF0D0 741844EF 00000002 0B1BF150 00000030 007314F0 d3d11.dll!0x741844ef
0B1BF0F8 74184541 001BF14C 94D590CA 007314F0 0B1BF2D4 d3d11.dll!0x74184541
0B1BF134 7417D462 00718568 00731510 007314F0 7414B89C d3d11.dll!0x7417d462
0B1BF1BC 7415246A 006E029C 00000002 0B1BF280 00000030 d3d11.dll!0x7415246a
0B1BF1D8 7418CD6C 007314F0 0B1BF2D4 007314F0 7414D02C d3d11.dll!0x7418cd6c
0B1BF224 7418C9AC 0B1BF2D4 006E0270 007314F0 7414D02C d3d11.dll!0x7418c9ac
0B1BF26C 7418C285 006E0270 00000002 0B1BF350 00000030 d3d11.dll!0x7418c285
0B1BF30C 74169761 0B1BF4C0 00000001 94D5951A 00000000 d3d11.dll!0x74169761
0B1BF334 7415843E 006E059C 00000000 0B1BF4C0 00000000 d3d11.dll!0x7415843e
0B1BF46C 7418E44A 006E05D4 0B1BF548 0B1BF524 0B1BF51C d3d11.dll!0x7418e44a
0B1BF4FC 0138CBF0 00000105 00000105 00000006 03300000 obs.exe!D3D10Texture::CreateTexture+0x140
0B1BF578 0138B032 00000105 00000105 00000006 03300000 obs.exe!D3D10System::CreateTexture+0x22
0B1BF590 708A26B9 00000105 00000105 00000006 03300000 graphicscapture.dll!CreateTexture+0x29
0B1BF5AC 708A35D0 0045391C 00453924 00000000 044833CD graphicscapture.dll!GraphicsCaptureSource::Render+0x170
0B1BF664 64BA1E1E 94D574CD 00000000 00000000 0B1BFB0C obsapi.dll!Scene::Render+0x6e
0B1BF67C 013A6B5C 3A23D70A 0071E678 44160000 0B1BFA00 obs.exe!OBS::MainCaptureLoop+0xacc
0B1BF770 5E7A00D1 7C155B85 00000005 0B1BF840 00698300 atidxx32.dll!0x5e7a00d1
0B1BF808 7796A13C 01432A80 77969E61 7C15DA81 00000005 ntdll.dll!0x7796a13c
0B1BF840 7796A0DA 7C15DA81 00000005 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x7796a0da
0B1BF848 77969E61 00000005 00000000 00000000 00244000 ntdll.dll!0x77969e61
0B1BF84C 7C15DA81 00000000 00000000 00244000 00000000 <unknown>!0x7c15da81


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
this bug is actually fixed in the latest test builds -- it's the mouse cursor bug when moving teamspeak users and similar sort of things where the cursor isn't a normal size