Question / Help Cpu usage


New Member
I just changed to OBS from XSplit but, My cpu usage is 70-100% When i use Obs. For XSplit is was near 5-10%. Please help!


heros in an halfshel
Without knowing anything at all about your setup or your OBS settings, it's impossible for us to help you. Please post a log of when you've previewed your stream or tried to stream to

If you don't know where to find your logs, please read this forum post: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=97


heros in an halfshel
Unfortunately, your CPU is rather weak, and so are both of your video cards. If you indeed did have 5-10% when streaming with XSplit, it can't have been with settings like the ones in your log file. Even my computer uses a sizeable amount of CPU when streaming at resolutions like 1280x720.

I would recommend drastically lowering your resolution, and if that's not enough, changing the preset to either superfast or ultrafast. If none of this helps, I recommend going back to using XSplit.


Forum Admin
You should change your stream key on Twitch, since you posted it in your profile pastebin.