Question / Help CPU Upgrade, what kind, effects?


New Member
Hello, here's my setup:

GPU: AMD Radeon 7770
CPU: Intel i3-2120 @ 3.3GHz
PSU: 450watt
Resolution I play at: 1600x900
Resolution I stream at: 1066x600

I'd like to stream at 720p, but I don't think my current CPU can handle it. What would be an upgrade that would enable me to stream fine at 720p with 30fps?

The games I stream are WoW and League.

I also have a sandy bridge mobo, and my price range for a CPU is about $100-$250
I'm currently looking at this ... 6819116504. Would I be able to use that with my sandy bridge mobo?



Town drunk
Possibly, but it will almost definitely require at least a BIOS update. You'll have to check your motherboard manufacturer's website to make sure it's actually supported.


Active Member
depending on what chipset you got a lot h/z/77 cipsets support ivy bridge some of them need an bios updates others wont work out ... you might try to get an cheap i7 2600k/2700k or go with an i5 2500k the i5 2500k with an decent after market cooler and a bit of oc makes it possible to stream 720p@60 fps at least for most games and pretty much at 720p@30 for everything else which is cpu intense.


New Member
Alright thanks, I'm ordering a 2500k and getting liquid cooling so I can OC it pretty high.
What settings would I be able to stream at with the setup now? I play WoW with shadows off, and some settings down. I want to stream at 720p @ 30fps.