Question / Help Couple of quick questions


New Member
I've been setting up my stream and everything is cool on the main front, it's clear good audio etc. I just have a quick question when I add a software capture along with a game capture.

I'm trying to capture my music player so people can see names of the songs that play on screen. Problem is it is always behind another program or something... like if I have my browser open it will capture part of the browser where the music player is instead of the music player.

I tried setting the music player to "always be on top" but while streaming it does nothing but flicker and is very distracting. Some times when I load up OBS the music player doesn't show at all ... only the red box that selects it when you edit scene.

Any ideas?

The next question is about mumble.

Does anyone know how I can make my own voice audible on stream while I push to talk on mumble? Everyone elses voice is ok but the stream can't hear mine for some reason.

Any help on these issues is appreciated.



Do you have your microphone setup on OBS? What you can do, is use the same push to talk hotkey for both OBS and mumble, so when you press it, your friends on mumble can hear you and it gives your stream viewers the illusion (maybe a bad word choice) that you are being heard from mumble.


New Member
Smoshi said:
Do you have your microphone setup on OBS? What you can do, is use the same push to talk hotkey for both OBS and mumble, so when you press it, your friends on mumble can hear you and it gives your stream viewers the illusion (maybe a bad word choice) that you are being heard from mumble.

Yea it's set to mic, I would do the same push to talk key but I'd rather not the guys in mumble hear me when I answer the stream.

And to KrazyTrumpeter... Whenever I enable the aero it causes the stream to have a black screen.

Thanks for your replies guys.


Have you tried using voice activation in OBS and just using push to talk for mumble? I don't know if you want your viewers to hear random noises around you, but it might be all you can do for now :(