Question / Help Could this computer handle being a second stream PC?


So I've been streaming/gaming from my single PC (rig build is here: for a while and I have it setup perfectly to look nice, and not hurt my gameplay. However, I just realized that I have my wife's PC which is just sitting in the next room.

It occurred to me I might be able to setup it up to use as a stream machine. I could get a capture card, and have it capture and broadcast the footage, while I do all the playing on my gaming machine.

Here are the stats of the computer (2 year old build, barely used)

- AMD Phenemon 2 X6 1090T Processor 3.2ghz
- 8 gigs of ram
- 64-bit Windows 7
- ATI 5850HD Black Edition (I also have a GTX 570 Superclocked laying around I could pop in it)
- 1 TB main HD

Think this computer could handle the encoding/streaming at 720p @ 60fps? Is there anyway I could test it before I invested in a capture card?


What dou you mean? 720p60FPS on the machine itself while gaming on it or with capture card?
Doing both on the same machine depends on the game really. 720p60FPS could be pushing it a little tho.


Xianahru said:
What dou you mean? 720p60FPS on the machine itself while gaming on it or with capture card?
Doing both on the same machine depends on the game really. 720p60FPS could be pushing it a little tho.

No, sorry if I'm sounding confusing.

I mean can this 2nd machine (specs above), pull footage from my gaming pc, using a capture card at 720P @ 60fps, and encode it using OBS and stream it to twitch.


Community Helper
The Live Gamer HD is the best-supported card by OBS, and it is more or less the best you're going to get at a consumer price point.


dodgepong said:
The Live Gamer HD is the best-supported card by OBS, and it is more or less the best you're going to get at a consumer price point.

Just ordered one from newegg. Happen to have a diagram on how setup will work? The one thing I'm worried about now is audio, currently I used a Logitech G930 which is USB audio. Not sure how the capture card is going to cap it?


Community Helper
Here are some common setups: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2021

Though I notice he shows a Video don't need a splitter with the Live Gamer HD. Either connect two mirrored outputs to your video card (one for monitor, one for capture), or use the Live Gamer HD as a pass-though (computer -> LGHD -> monitor), though the passthrough is limited to 60hz I believe, and might have some issues with certain resolutions.

As for the USB headset, you can set the "Listen" device on the Mic to be your sound card audio output so that when you bring over your audio from the streaming computer, it will be mixed in with the game audio. That is one way to do it, at least, and it's free.


dodgepong said:
Here are some common setups: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2021

Though I notice he shows a Video don't need a splitter with the Live Gamer HD. Either connect two mirrored outputs to your video card (one for monitor, one for capture), or use the Live Gamer HD as a pass-though (computer -> LGHD -> monitor), though the passthrough is limited to 60hz I believe, and might have some issues with certain resolutions.

As for the USB headset, you can set the "Listen" device on the Mic to be your sound card audio output so that when you bring over your audio from the streaming computer, it will be mixed in with the game audio. That is one way to do it, at least, and it's free.

So if I have a 120hz gaming monitor, and I use the LGHD as a passthrough to the stream computer, then I'm not gonna SEE 120hz on my monitor?


Community Helper
Right. If you want to use the capture card with a 120 Hz monitor, you need to use 2 outputs from your video card and clone the outputs in your display settings, and send one to the monitor and one to the capture card.