Controlling Audio channels that broadcast over stream


New Member
With Youtube picking up on the live streaming, one of the major issues my friends and I are running into is the copyright issues with playing games and listening to music. It would be freaking awesome if you guys could add an audio controler to display and control what channels/inputs will or will not be broadcasted to the stream.

So I can listen to music and the audience does NOT hear it.

Thank you guys for OBS. You guys Rock!


Active Member
Already implemented in multiplatform, just make sure your music player is playing to a different device than your game.


The Helping Squad
Yea, to listen to music and not hear it on stream it has to be played through a separate audio device. That way OBS can either record the game, or the music, and OBS-MP could record both and you could mute one if needed.
But still, you have to do separation yourself.