Question / Help Console Streaming Technical Problems


New Member
Here is the situation so far:

EDIT: Check my latest post too

I have a wii, dazzle dvc 100, desktop computer, windows 7, and two computer monitors (both with vga and dvi inputs). I know it seems like a terrible idea to play the wii directly off of the captured dazzle input to my computer monitor, but the video seems to come in at a "good enough" quality with minimal lag.

My problem lies in the audio connection. The audio can be recorded perfectly fine with the dazzle. However, I'm struggling to get a live feed of the audio. If you know of any video capturing software that can play live audio (as opposed to just the recorded version later), then my problems will end here. I did some research and found out about a program called virtual audio cable that could, in theory, capture the audio and blend it with my inner computer sounds.

At first, I struggled to get a clear audio signal from the dazzle, but with a lot of tinkering I found that if I force the sample rate to 48000 min and max, I was able to get a fairly stable signal back. Is this something that I should be doing? The real problem now is that I can't figure out how to use both my desktop audio and the sound from the dazzle at the same time and on top of that stream with OBS. I know that I can set my microphone in obs to record a virtual cable. I've tried dozens of combinations of things, but I can't seem to get it right. The one combination that makes the most logical sense to me (doesn't work) is this:
Repeater 1: dazzle to virtual cable 1
Repeater 2: microphone to virtual cable 2
Repeater 3: virtual cable 1 to virtual cable 2
Repeater 4: "Realtek HD Audio Stereo Input"? to virtual cable 1
Then, in theory, I could set the virtual cable 1 as my default playback device and listen to that. OBS didn't like this and vac would sometimes complain that the audio output is already in use or something like that.
Or, I've also tried using a 5th repeater: virtual cable 1 to Realtek HD audio output" which only outputs the sound from the dazzle and I lose all other sounds.

Also, is there an easier way to get the audio working with streaming? I'd be willing to buy some cheap coords and parts if needed.


heros in an halfshel
Dazzle audio should be working in OBS directly using the video capture device plugin in the latest test release, you could theoretically just select a VAC line as your custom sound device for the Dazzle as well, I do suggest checking it out.


New Member
oh wow! thanks for that. I'll try it out.

Edit: I gave it a shot and the video works as long as I change the resolution, but the audio doesn't work yet. I checked dazzle dvc 100 from the dropdown audio list and selected play through desktop. No sound was output.

Also, interestingly, I tried using a virtual audio cable to capture the sound and tried selecting that from the dropdown audio list, and I found that the video stopped playing and that the audio didn't output either. It's almost like the software is competing for control of the dazzle???


heros in an halfshel
Ah, like many USB devices, it may be trying to use the wrong audio pin.

If you click the "Open crossbar" button near the top part of the dialog, you should be able to select the audio pin there, it might also be configurable by clicking the "Configure" button next to the audio device in some cases. It is possible that VAC is hogging the Dazzle audio if you already have a line allocated for it, not sure, never used VAC myself.