Question / Help Connection Problems


New Member
Hey guys,

I have a problem with the connection from obs to twitch servers. Before i went in holidays in mid of may, everything was alright, i could stream, when ever i want, how long i want, no problem. Then, end of may, i came back, and nothing works right now. I start the stream, the fps goes up, and after 3 sec, the frames drop to 0 and the message "Disconnected by server!" shows up. I tried different twitch server, i reset my stream key, but nothing solves the problem yet. I also switched of my firewall, my Anti Virus Program, with no success.
Maybe you can help me, i would appreciate it!


New Member
I read this already, exept testing an other stream software, i did everything. Why is it suddenly not working, i mean, 2 weeks ago, everything was perfect...


Forum Moderator
Testing with a different program would show you whether it's an issue with OBS or (much more likely) an issue with your ISP. We can't fix your internet connection, so you'll most likely need to call them to get it sorted out.