Question / Help Completely disconnects within about 7 seconds of streaming


New Member
When I select "Start Streaming," my upload rate gradually ramps up from about 0-800 kbps, then begins dropping frames for about 2-3 seconds, then drops to 0 kbps and a dialogue pops up that says "Disconnected from server". This happens every time I start streaming. I have streamed on these settings before without fail, and I even received a new public IP from my ISP just in case the reason for failure was their private IP. Attached is my most recent log file (I simply attempted to stream a blank screen to see if that would work, and it didn't). I normally stream to Twitch, but I attempted Hitbox as well and neither work.

All help is greatly appreciated.


New Member
Before posting, I had read and tried everything within that post, and have had no luck. The problem is 100% consistent every time I begin streaming.


New Member
Interesting results. I had no other applications/browsers open, nor wireless devices connected (I am on a wired connection). My ISP claimed the upload rates were fine and consistent, but it seems these results disagree. Thanks for the help so far.


New Member
So I tried remedying this problem with a VPN but no luck. I had my ISP come out and check but they can't seem to find the problem either. The Twitch Bandwidth Tester is still showing failed results straight down the line.


New Member
The problem has been resolved. Today my ISP informed me that they had fixed a faulty connection on their end. Everything works now. Thanks for the help.