Question / Help Color Correction SC???


New Member
I'm not sure if/where you can do color correction and if you can does anyone know what the best is for Starcraft II HoTS? Help is much appreciated


Community Helper
OBS currently doesn't have an color correction options, though I believe you can adjust gamma in a game capture source.


New Member
Hi, i was just wondering any ETA on this? I would love to be able to change stuff like this. Like on that video you linked, thanks!


Not necessarily the same, but if that's so important you can always play with hue/saturation/color balance/whateverelse included with your graphics card drivers.
And if it's a hdmi capture card device we're talking about here then it'll definetely work.


Forum Moderator
Looks like for whatever reason the Blackmagic capture source in that dude's guide isn't expanding the TV luminance range (16-235) to full range. You shouldn't need to do correction like that unless you're using a capture card with broken drivers.