Question / Help Choppy Stream Problem


New Member
In another thread I posted about my streams always being extremely choppy, and it was somehow resolved. I didn't change anything, it just went back to normal. Now, the problem has arisen again, and I have no idea what could be wrong. Someone had said that it could be duplicated frames, but I honestly don't know how to tell. Here is a Twitch VOD to show what the stream actually looks like, and here is the log file from that stream. Please help, this is a very annoying problem.

These are my stream settings:

Bitrate: 3500kb/s
Buffer Size: 3500
Base res: 1920x1080
Downscale: 1280x720
FPS: 60


New Member
Hello, i think i might have the same problem as you. My stream is also choppy/laggy even though i have solid fps ingame and good internet. It wasn't always like that, before it worked perfectly, but after update(i think) it started being choppy/laggy. I have tried tweaking my settings and going back to my old ones and nothing works, its really
annoying :\


New Member
Yes, I think we have the same problem. But the weird thing is, the choppiness only happens when streaming Source engine games (CS:GO, CS:S). All other games look perfect when I stream them. I know that it must be a problem with my OBS, because there are many people streaming CS:GO very smoothly.


New Member
I usually stream only csgo, but now i had to try streaming different game (heartstone) and it was smooth, i did not notice any choppines or lagg, weird :\
Multicore Rendering in CS:GO gives your CPU a workout, especially when it's at 300FPS max. You can disable that in the video options in-game. If that doesn't work, cap the framerate using the console command 'fps_max x' where x is the value.


New Member
Multicore Rendering in CS:GO gives your CPU a workout, especially when it's at 300FPS max. You can disable that in the video options in-game. If that doesn't work, cap the framerate using the console command 'fps_max x' where x is the value.

I don't think my CPU load is a problem, because it never goes above 30-40% load in game, and maxes out at about 50% while streaming. My fps_max is set to 1000 because I need the fps to keep the game smooth and consistent, so lowering it will not be an option. I usually get a constant 300-400fps on most maps.


Are you guys running SLi/Crossfire? I had the EXACT same issue, and disabling it fixed it for me. Apparently quite a few of the new drivers cause issues with the new versions of OBS. Also, what processor are you running?


New Member
Are you guys running SLi/Crossfire? I had the EXACT same issue, and disabling it fixed it for me. Apparently quite a few of the new drivers cause issues with the new versions of OBS. Also, what processor are you running?

I am running SLI at the moment, I never thought about that. Could it really only affect certain games, though, like what is happening for me? I have an Intel 4960X @4.4Ghz, also.


New Member
I am running SLI at the moment, I never thought about that. Could it really only affect certain games, though, like what is happening for me? I have an Intel 4960X @4.4Ghz, also.

Wow, I tried disabling SLI, and it worked perfecly. It's now completely smooth. But now I have another problem because I don't want to waste my extra video cards. Is there anything I can do to stream with SLI enabled? All other games besides Source engine games stream fine with SLI.


Wow, I tried disabling SLI, and it worked perfecly. It's now completely smooth. But now I have another problem because I don't want to waste my extra video cards. Is there anything I can do to stream with SLI enabled? All other games besides Source engine games stream fine with SLI.
Unfortunately, I have not found a fix myself. I asked a question/posted a thread regarding the same thing but no one has responded yet, haha. No one wants to waste the extra video cards! I don't think I'm allowed to mention it, but I assume you know of the other streaming program (which requires a payment for a premium license). It has options which fix this issue, while allowing SLi to run in the background. However I am still more a fan of OBS than of that, so I'm staying tuned for further updates that may hopefully address this issue...

P.S: I said before that this only occurs with newer drivers + newer versions of OBS, so perhaps tinkering with different combinations may fix your case, but that's not the best for overall performance. Also, I read that it's because OBS requires power from your GPU, and having two GPU's causes only 50% of the power to be drawn from the card that your Source Engine games are running on - but I can not be sure ^^.

EDIT: I found a solution, in it's own sense. Since CS:GO and probably most other source engine games are more CPU intensive than GPU intensive, the extra video cards probably don't matter. But for other games, it does. Since you are running SLi, you need to create individual 3D Program Settings for your Source Games which you wish to stream, i.e CS:GO. Here's how:

> Right click your desktop,
> Click on "NVIDIA Control Panel",
> On the left panel, under "3D Settings" (click on the little [+] box if you have to), click on "Manage 3D Settings",
> Under "I would like to use these 3D Settings:" click on the tab that says "Program Settings",
> Under "1. Select a program to customize:", tick "Show only programs found on this computer" and then click on "Add",
> Look for "csgo" in the list, highlight it by left clicking on it and then click on "Add Selected Program",
> Then under "2. Specify the settings for this program:", scroll down until you find "SLI Rendering Mode" and change it to "Single-GPU".
> Click "Apply"
> ???
> Profit!

Note: Make sure you have SLi Enabled.
Notev2: If you can't find "csgo", make sure you run the game before hand then try search for it again.
Notev3: If you STILL can't find "csgo", make these changes while the game is running in the background.
Notev4: To get SLi working for any other game, just do the same under the "Global Settings" tab, but change the "SLi Rendering Mode" to "NVIDIA Recommended".
Last edited:


New Member
Unfortunately, I have not found a fix myself. I asked a question/posted a thread regarding the same thing but no one has responded yet, haha. No one wants to waste the extra video cards! I don't think I'm allowed to mention it, but I assume you know of the other streaming program (which requires a payment for a premium license). It has options which fix this issue, while allowing SLi to run in the background. However I am still more a fan of OBS than of that, so I'm staying tuned for further updates that may hopefully address this issue...

P.S: I said before that this only occurs with newer drivers + newer versions of OBS, so perhaps tinkering with different combinations may fix your case, but that's not the best for overall performance. Also, I read that it's because OBS requires power from your GPU, and having two GPU's causes only 50% of the power to be drawn from the card that your Source Engine games are running on - but I can not be sure ^^.

EDIT: I found a solution, in it's own sense. Since CS:GO and probably most other source engine games are more CPU intensive than GPU intensive, the extra video cards probably don't matter. But for other games, it does. Since you are running SLi, you need to create individual 3D Program Settings for your Source Games which you wish to stream, i.e CS:GO. Here's how:

> Right click your desktop,
> Click on "NVIDIA Control Panel",
> On the left panel, under "3D Settings" (click on the little [+] box if you have to), click on "Manage 3D Settings",
> Under "I would like to use these 3D Settings:" click on the tab that says "Program Settings",
> Under "1. Select a program to customize:", tick "Show only programs found on this computer" and then click on "Add",
> Look for "csgo" in the list, highlight it by left clicking on it and then click on "Add Selected Program",
> Then under "2. Specify the settings for this program:", scroll down until you find "SLI Rendering Mode" and change it to "Single-GPU".
> Click "Apply"
> ???
> Profit!

Note: Make sure you have SLi Enabled.
Notev2: If you can't find "csgo", make sure you run the game before hand then try search for it again.
Notev3: If you STILL can't find "csgo", make these changes while the game is running in the background.
Notev4: To get SLi working for any other game, just do the same under the "Global Settings" tab, but change the "SLi Rendering Mode" to "NVIDIA Recommended".

Wow! That worked perfectly! Thank you.