Question / Help Chat overlay I can see fullscreen but my viewers can't


New Member
Yes, yes, I know the easy answer here is a second monitor, but I have zero money to buy one, otherwise I would have, I'm looking for a short term solution so I can actually interact with my Twitch Audience in-game. I know you can overlay Twitch chat for your audience to see via a CLR Browser but I find this utterly pointless, as they can pull out the chat sidebar if they want to.

Any suggestions, tutorials or the like? I've looked around for some options but I haven't found a truly satisfying solution to date.


Active Member
No, there really isn't. Sorry.

Most people will connect to chat using a smartphone or tablet using IRC (as that's all Twitch chat is, a modified IRC server). But beyond that, a second monitor really should be considered basic livestreaming hardware.
Hell, you can usually find them at Goodwill or other second-hand shops for ten or twenty bucks for an old one.

CLR browser wouldn't help anyway as you can't see that. It *is* handy though, for anyone watching from a console or who may prefer going fullscreen.