Question / Help Changing the Audio Codec?

Jake Eddie

New Member
Hello everyone. I'm currently trying to figure out how to change the audio codec to something besides AAC. The reason is because I record two audio tracks when I play games, but the editing software I use (Hitfilm 4 Express) doesn't import multiple audio tracks. Because of this, I need to import the audio tracks into Audacity and separate them, but Audacity doesn't support the AAC format of audio. I know people have been able to change the audio codec, but I can't seem to find where to do it in OBS Studio. Anyone know how?



You can use other software to extract the audio. ffmpeg will do it, and will convert it to WAV for you as well if you need that. It's a little intimidating to use but very powerful.

Suslik V

Active Member
Using OBS For Audio ONLY
For Audacity you can navigate to Edit>Preferences...>Libraries>FFmpeg Library (Download & Locate), then you can import AAC via File>Import>Audio...

And read this thread: Recording without muxing

Just in case, OBS Studio Help Guide: there you can find how to enable Custom Output (FFmpeg) at recording tab options too (only single audio track is supported by now).

Jake Eddie

New Member
Never mind. Apparently you can't load them into Audacity at the same time. Not at once. Disregard what I just said to you Suslik. Thank you for you guy's help.