Change Stream Title via OBS

Would it be possible to implement a feature which allows to change the twitch Stream Title via OBS? I think the Twitch API allows it.

II am not that good in coding yet and never used an API, but if i will find time, i will look into it by myself. But if someone of the PROgrammers ( :D ) finds time, it would be awesome :)


heros in an halfshel
Just to clear this up, doing this isn't easy outside of web applications.

To get write access to these things in a standalone application such as OBS, you would need to use this authentication mode: ...

Because you specifically need to apply on an individual application basis, and because you are not allowed to expose either your client ID or client secret (a sort of password used by the application itself) to users, even in an obscured form, it's almost impossible to do this in an open source project. If anything, it would have to be a closed source plugin.


Forum Moderator
paibox said:
Because you specifically need to apply on an individual application basis, and because you are not allowed to expose either your client ID or client secret (a sort of password used by the application itself) to users, even in an obscured form, it's almost impossible to do this in an open source project. If anything, it would have to be a closed source plugin.
I'm pretty sure the original copyright holder is free to exempt/overrule the GPL as they see fit. What I would do is define those secrets in the code somewhere and blank them out on the public git. If people then want to compile their own version of OBS they'll simply need to apply to Twitch for their own API keys.


heros in an halfshel
I'm kind of sure Twitch wouldn't appreciate all those requests for standalone app authorization requests, nor are they required to approve of them. A closed source plugin might be a better idea.


Forum Admin
We can just use the user's access token, not sure what the big deal is here. This will be supported once we have per-service plugins.


heros in an halfshel
Well, alright, if you say so. After trying to get this to work in an application myself, I was under the impression that getting an access token for a standalone application wasn't that easy, but you probably know better than me anyway.