Change Resolution / FPS on the fly


This would be a very welcomed feature if possible. While I don't adjust bit rate that much (because my internet doesn't change), I do change resolution and FPS based on what I'm streaming. Right now that means I have to restart my stream if I want to do it. It'd be great if changing the resolution or fps while the stream is still going could be added.


Town drunk
Hm, I'm pretty sure this is possible but I think the player has to support it as well. I'm not sure Twitch can handle this atm.


No, Twitch does not support this at the moment. May I offer an alternate solution though? Instead of the stream and OBS adapting to the content, why not do the opposite? What I mean is, it's quite possible to set up your scenes and your stream in such a fashion that you could basically stream anything you wanted to without having to change resolution and/or FPS.


I change resolution and FPS because of the performance, bandwidth, and quality implications. You can't do that with scenes.

And that seems about right Krazy, the Twitch player doesn't seem to be the most robust thing in existence.


Any word on this? Does anyone know if the Twitch player supports either changing resolution or FPS on the fly? Could this be done?

I'd really appreciate such a feature for changing between games, especially the FPS one.


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Forum Moderator
Changing FPS/resolution is not something you really want to do on the fly because few decoders properly support it. You'll probably end up with problems with twitch transcoders as well. Best to just stick to one FPS/resolution from the start of the stream until the end of the stream.

Flash does support it to a limited extent, but in our previous tests, we found that the twitch vod player in particular had issues processing it. It "played", but time was all out of whack, and you couldn't really seek properly through the video either.

That and it's a serious bitch to code.


Well that sucks. Thanks for the update on this.

Will the migration to HLS make this possible? Speaking of which does that have any implications on OBS?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
HLS would probably make it less possible. HLS was done by twitch for the primary intention of better mobile support of streams. Mobiles would be less likely to support it.

Using a rare and advanced feature like fps/resolution changing would almost certainly break that for them, and they'd send thegunrun at me saying "yea, er jim, if you could remove dynamic resolution/fps switching, that would be greeeaat"