Question / Help CBR problems


New Member
When im streaming on twitch, i get dashboard message which tells me that my stream quality is acceptable because i am not using CBR settings.
But at the same time, i checked both CBR and CBR padding.
Originally my max bitrate was 2000 kb/s, and the message said that even if i had average stream bitrate of ~2000 kb/s, max. peak was like ~2700 or even more. Now i am using 3000 kb/s for bitrate, and my peak is like ~4700 kb/s, so twitch says that i am not using CBR, but it is checked constantly.

What can be the problem with that?


Community Helper
The problem is that Twitch's detection system isn't very accurate for detecting CBR, or they need to be more clear about what CBR settings streamers should use.

If you want to reduce the amount that your bit rate varies by, you can lower you buffer size a bit and see if that helps.


Active Member
ignore the twitch shit ... if you set your keyint and use cbr and are streaming below 3500bitrate everything is fine ... just ignore it end of story