Bug Report Capturing Issues


New Member
When I try to capture a game (League of Legends) or even just my monitor, I can only capture part of it. I've tried messing with the screen region but nothing happens. I need help


Try capturing league of legends itself with game capture. You will need a separate scene and monitor capture for the league client.


Community Helper
Is your base resolution in OBS too small?

Try clicking on the source in the Sources box and pressing Ctrl+F...does that help?

If you're using game capture, make sure you check the Stretch Image to Screen option, too.


New Member
dodgepong said:
Is your base resolution in OBS too small?

Try clicking on the source in the Sources box and pressing Ctrl+F...does that help?

If you're using game capture, make sure you check the Stretch Image to Screen option, too.
When I do that nothing happens, and it occurs in both game capture and monitor capture


New Member
Hi! I have problem with capture the game. After update to version 0.51b this option does not work. Programm show black screen instead of game. Please help me to solve the problem.
P.S. sorry for my bad english.


Community Helper
Can you post a video of the issue? I'm trying to understand what is happening if you are experiencing this problem with both game capture and monitor capture. Do you think you could post your log? viewtopic.php?f=5&t=97


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Your base resolution is probably incorrect, go into video settings and make sure it's at whatever your monitor is supposed to be. People have accidentally set it to lower values and have had this happen from time to time.


Community Helper
Do you have a video or screenshot of the issue? I'm having a hard time understanding what it looks like.


Community Helper
Sorry, I meant of the video output. What kind of video recording does it produce? What does the video look like?


Community Helper
Oh, I'm sorry...I was confusing your problem with the OP's problem. You should have made a new thread for your issue, since the OP was talking about a different issue.

Have you tried the new test version? viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3658


There shouldn't really be a difference between the two. Anyway, 32 bit version runs fine on 64 bit windows, use it if that solves your problem. The performance gain from using 64 bit is minimal anyway.