Question / Help Capture Card not working?


New Member
I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place, but I just got a LiveGamerHD pci-e card, plugged it in, and was able to get a preview window of it in OBS that stuttered heavily and even dropped signal entirely for a few seconds at a time. No audio came through (video capture device's audio settings were set to play through desktop), and there was no passthrough display to my second monitor. This was the case with OBS original and Studio. I had a Wii U plugged into the input, with the output going to a second monitor. I also noticed my CPU usage was around 30%.

Any help troubleshooting this would be amazing, as this is an area of computer hardware I know very little about. I have an i5-4690k, 16gb RAM, and a GTX760 if that helps.

Note that the same things occur using RECentral as well.
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Active Member
If the same thing is happening with RECcentral, it's an issue with the cap card or drivers. Reach out to AverMedia Support, they'll be much more adept at fixing their product.


New Member
As an update, I found the Firmware update on AverMedia's website and now everything seems to work beautifully. Feel free to delete or close this thread, my apologies for taking up space.