Capture Audio Source


New Member
I only have a pair of headphones that I use to listen to everything that is sent out from my computer. However, I recently started streaming and I would prefer to be able to hear Ventrilo without broadcasting it to everyone who is watching. I am able to work around this by plugging in a pair of speakers or second headphones into my computer, but this means that I would have to choose between listening to Ventrilo or everything else. The problem with using speakers is that I live with other people and I don't want what is playing across the speakers to be transmitted across Vent. I could play music across the speakers and just turn them off so I can't personally hear them and have everything sent to my headphones, but I'm more concerned with game sounds. I would like game sounds to both be played across the stream as well as to me through my headphones. If there were a "capture audio source" that I could mute or change the volume of, I would personally be grateful.


New Member
I will have to presume a few things: Windows 7, using the latest OBS .467a test build 11.

These settings should redirect your preferred voip incoming audio to an alternate source, ie: Headphones, which will prevent broadcasting to your live stream.

1) Select Settings, Options
2) Select Playback, click the pull down menu 'Playback device', select Headphone

1) Select Setup
2) Click the pull down menu 'Output device', select Headphone

1) Select Tools, Options
2) Select Audio Settings
3) Click the pull down menu 'Speakers', select Headphone

OBS .467a test build 11
1) Select Settings, Audio
2) Click the pull down menu 'Playback Audio Device', select Default (or Speakers depending on your computer settings).

Windows 7
If any problems with sound continue, try these settings. There are several ways of accessing sound, this is the easiest.
1) Right click the volume icon on the task bar, select 'Playback devices'.
2) Under the Playback tab, right click the 'Headphone' icon and select 'Set as default Communications device'.
3) Under the Playback tab, right click the 'Speakers' icon and select 'Set as default Device'.


New Member
prodyn said:
I will have to presume a few things: Windows 7, using the latest OBS .467a test build 11.

These settings should redirect your preferred voip incoming audio to an alternate source, ie: Headphones, which will prevent broadcasting to your live stream.

1) Select Settings, Options
2) Select Playback, click the pull down menu 'Playback device', select Headphone

1) Select Setup
2) Click the pull down menu 'Output device', select Headphone

1) Select Tools, Options
2) Select Audio Settings
3) Click the pull down menu 'Speakers', select Headphone

OBS .467a test build 11
1) Select Settings, Audio
2) Click the pull down menu 'Playback Audio Device', select Default (or Speakers depending on your computer settings).

Windows 7
If any problems with sound continue, try these settings. There are several ways of accessing sound, this is the easiest.
1) Right click the volume icon on the task bar, select 'Playback devices'.
2) Under the Playback tab, right click the 'Headphone' icon and select 'Set as default Communications device'.
3) Under the Playback tab, right click the 'Speakers' icon and select 'Set as default Device'.

I appreciate the response, but this will not solve my problem as I have detailed in my original post. I want ALL of the sound that comes from Windows 7 to come through my headphones. Ventrilo is the only sound that I do not want to broadcast across OBS. Using a default audio device does not solve this because I would either have to choose between muting all of the sounds that would come through whatever isn't my headphones, or having what is played across the speakers broadcasted to anyone in Vent with me when I key up my mic if I want to be able to hear the speakers myself.


New Member
Virtual Audio Cable will let you do what you want. It isn't free & horribly non-user friendly unfortunately.