Capture audio from one application?


New Member
Something like this:

Kinda like the directshow audio plugin. Except this one would capture directly from the application, just like Steam Broadcaster does. In steambroadcaster when you stream, it only captures your game audio. Everything else producing audio is not heard stream. I can't use the directshow audio plugin because there is a MASSIVE audio delay when using the "stream audio to desktop" function of it paired up with virtual audio cable.


New Member
Hey guys, sorry to revive an old post, but i didn't want to create a new post if my request was already here.

I've recently got a webcam (i'm not a stream recorder myself, but i like to play with OBS from time to time), and noticed that when you add a camera (or any other video device source) to the scene you get a new audio source that is linked to that video source. When you remove the video source, the audio source is gone.

It would be nice to have this same behaviour when adding a new "Capture Game" source, that shows audio produced by the game being captured.

I'm not sure about other platforms, but in windows, i think this might be possible using the windows APIs near this one (i'm a developer, but not a c++ or windows API expert, sorry for any dumbness).

I read a few documents on the Windows documentation, but since i'm not an expert on the matter i couldn't quite wrap my head around it. But it seems like it's possible to restrict the audio source to a specific application.

And like the original post author says above, it's done by Steam (at least on Windows, not sure how that works on other platforms).

I'd really like to have this kind of solution instead of installing the Virtual Audio Cable stuff.

I hope a deve sees this, and shed some light on the matter.



It's possible but tricky, and it's one of those things that doesn't always work right. It has to do with the way program audio hooks into things. The program CHEvolume (it has a trial but you have to pay for it after) solves some of the issues, but even that can crash/fail