Question / Help Can't use replay buffer with 120fps


New Member

I'm trying to have my replay buffer work with 120fps.
It looks like it's working consistently at 60fps (will have to test for a few more days), but at 120fps, it mostly never works.

The behavior is as follow. I start the buffer, if I have the preview enabled it will show the game correctly (I usually disable it, if only because I'm running two monitors at two different resolution/refresh rate). But when I hit the hotkey to save the buffer, nothing happens.
Usually then, if I go back to OBS, and hit "stop replay buffer", it will get stuck on "Stopping Replay Buffer..." and I have to exit (confirm that I want to), and then kill a zombie OBS process in the task manager.

Sometimes it will work just fine, but mostly it fails.
Logs from a run that failed can be found here:

I'm happy to provide you with more details if you need anything.
I'm pretty new to OBS, so I might have missed something obvious but going through the config screens didn't raise any red flags...

Thanks in advance for your help!


New Member
Since this has been waiting for approval for a week, and was just approved. I'm hoping people still see it :-)


Forum Admin
Do you have any other apps like Shadowplay or similar that may also be using NVENC? Do you still have the problem if you use x264?


New Member
Shadowplay is completely disabled (I don't even have the screenshots part enabled last I checked). Game mode is enabled but the DVR feature is off. The only other thing running in the background would be rivatuner and MSI afterburner I guess.
I didn't try x264. I did try both flavors of the nvenc encoder.
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