Bug Report Can't use anywhere near full bandwidth, driving me crazy. ??


New Member
Hello! I just recently started using OBS because [the other apps are horrible]. but I'm still plagued with this issue ive been having for years now with my ISP, I can't use my upload bandwidth to stream or even approach my full upload bandwidth. I'm from Canada and have service through Eastlink (40 down/ 2 up) but I can only ever get 200-300 kbps when I try to stream. They say there's nothing they can do to help me and they don't know what the problem is, so I need someone who knows a lot about streaming and is willing to help to shed some light here, preferably so I can then provide clear instructions to someone at the ISP who can then fix it for me. I have changed routers multiple times (am currently using an expensive one) changed NICs in my computer, adjusted settings, called them multiple times, changed servers, directly connected to the modem etc. Nothing's helped at all. I'm still only getting 200-300 kbps to every server in existence. Can anyone help me diagnose the issue or figure out what's causing this problem so I can confront my ISP about this? I am getting very sick and tired of their snarky bullshit telling me that can't and won't help me when it is their problem and I'm not actually able to use my advertised speeds for what I want to do. To be clear, speed tests show that I am getting the full 40 down and 2 up (after mentioning this, basically every single one of their technicians wash their hands of me and say I am not having problems) but I cannot use it for streaming for some reason and i want to find out what's causing this and how to get my ISP to change it. If you have anything you want to know about this please let me know. Thanks!


Forum Admin
Re: Can't use anywhere near full bandwidth, driving me crazy

Can you post a log file from OBS attempting to stream at 1800 kbps?


New Member
Re: Can't use anywhere near full bandwidth, driving me crazy

Well, funnily enough as always happens this time I ran the stream and was getting 2000+ kbps towards the end when i started streaming some fast moving colors and shapes. I attached the log anyway, but I've also kind of had this issue as well where sometimes (specifically after calling my ISP and asking about it again and again, totally obviously coincidentally ;p) I will be able to sporadically use the full bandwidth. I called them yesterday, they told me there was nothing they would do, and now its working fine for a little while. Maybe it's just a coincidence or the fact I decided to test this at 11:00 AM on a Friday. At one point I was actually able to stream for a few weeks in a row without any problems after spending an extensive amount of time (2 weeks) talking with their tech support team via e-mail which ended with them saying they would not be helping me anymore and then them not responding to anything I asked about why that is. I'll get a log and upload it when it's not working again tomorrow or later today when t stops working again (hopefully). Thanks!

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/27718166/Inter ... 254-50.log <-- recent log where it letting me get my full bandwidth
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/27718166/Inter ... 623-24.log <-- old log I was trying to stream at 1600 kbps, not entirely sure i remember what happened with this session but i am fairly certain it didn't work out at all. I'll attach a log later that is at 1800 kbps trying to stream fast moving colors and shapes


Forum Admin
Re: Can't use anywhere near full bandwidth, driving me crazy

You're also using an old version of OBS, please update it. Make sure you also specified a server to stream to and didn't just let it default.


New Member
Re: Can't use anywhere near full bandwidth, driving me crazy

I've updated and I was already using the server I have the lowest ping to. It doesn't matter what server or service im using though, it's always the same. For the majority of this stream the bitrate indicator was just solid red and said 0, sometimes jumping up to 600/700 for a second. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/27718166/Inter ... 448-13.log


New Member
Re: Can't use anywhere near full bandwidth, driving me crazy

Does anybody know what an ISP could do to cause behavior like this? I honestly don't understand! Every speed test I run says i've got full speed, but the only thing I want to actually use my upload for cannot use it. Could I maybe route the data through different ports or something? Like what is causing this??


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Re: Can't use anywhere near full bandwidth, driving me crazy

Okay, so first of all you say that you have 2mb upload, correct? If so, I would recommend reading a prior post I made about this: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1174&p=6467#p6467

tl:dr - Basically to not drop frames, you have to set it at the highest limit where your bandwidth won't fluctuate. Your reported bandwidth is not a guaranteed fixed rate. You get "up to" 2mb/s flat, you don't get a guaranteed 2mb/s, simply because it's subject to fluctuation that can occur for any number of reasons. Your ISP isn't really at fault for this (usually), it's just the nature of networking and specific areas. You have to find and use the highest value where your bandwidth won't fluctuate, and use the best server that is the most stable. Speedtest is not a good indicator of this value.

Also, lowering the FPS to that low a value could also contribute to burst. I am going to attempt to fix this in future versions.