Question / Help Can't stream on YouTube


New Member

On YouTube it says: Please use a keyframe frequency of 2 seconds or less. Keyframes are not being sent often enough, this will cause buffering. Current keyframe frequency: 6.6 seconds. GOP sizes can be wrong if you have ingestion errors etc...

I stream with no problems on Twitch.TV, I stream in 720p/60fps, 4000 bit rate.

Do I need to change anything to stream on YouTube?

How can I change keyframe frequency?
Go to settings, then the Advanced tag, have a look under "Video" check the Custom x264 Encoder Settings and put in keyint=60 and your problem is fixed.


Mike21Daisu said:
I stream with no problems on Twitch.TV, I stream in 720p/60fps, 4000 bit rate.
Please drop that to 3500. The Twitch.TV staff frowns upon anyone going over 3500. It is kind of like the unofficial maximum allowed bitrate.
Kharay said:
Mike21Daisu said:
I stream with no problems on Twitch.TV, I stream in 720p/60fps, 4000 bit rate.
Please drop that to 3500. The Twitch.TV staff frowns upon anyone going over 3500. It is kind of like the unofficial maximum allowed bitrate.

If he streams fine with it why mess around, if it's not broke don't fix it, and I've heard that 3500 is "the limit" but it's not, if it was then you wouldn't be able to go over, it's just that the site sucks and they can't keep up.
So ? They can't ban people for wanting a better quality streaming, hence I stream primarily on Youtube, sure 3,5 is works, but faar from good, and the fact that the guy said "Please consider using a more reasonable setting such as 3.2-3.5 Mbps; 1080p will still look gorgeous." is stupid, cuz no it will not xD The only reason I or anyone really should stream at 3.5 is there are not many people who can watch anything higher.
Sure they can ban people but that will not work, there are better ways to make the streams work, but whatever.