Question / Help Can't Stream at 30fps anymore!


hey guys so for a while now i've been streaming at 720p 30fps 2k bitrate and everything has been fine people say the stream looks good quality is nice etc which is great!

Yesterday i upgraded my i5 4690k to a i7 4790k just to get some more power while streaming and now when i stream games like WoW and CSGO and other games it looks like im playing at 5fps :s but with my i5 everything looked fine! I've changed no settings what so ever!

Here is my Log all that i've changed recently is the fps to 60 to stop it looking like im on 5fps!

Please help me i have no idea what i can do to fix this!


Active Member
Here is my Log all that i've changed recently is the fps to 60 to stop it looking like im on 5fps!
Except if there's a bottleneck in your system, that will make things worse.


Well i highly doubt there's a bottleneck in my pc my specs
i7 4790k 4.5ghz
Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 5 Motherboard
2x GTX 970 Gigabyte Windforce Edition
16gb Hyper X Fury ram


Active Member
SLI doesn't help, and if you're dealing with limited PCI-E lanes, having two cards installed can actually cause problems.