Question / Help Can't stream after pre-install win


16:14:28: Video Encoding: x264
16:14:28: fps: 60
16:14:28: width: 1920, height: 1080
16:14:28: preset: veryfast
16:14:28: CBR: yes
16:14:28: CFR: no
16:14:28: max bitrate: 1000
16:14:28: ------------------------------------------
16:14:28: MMDeviceAudioSource: Frequency for device 'Realtek Digital Output(RCA) (Realtek High Definition Audio)' is 384000, samples per sec is 48000
16:14:28: MMDeviceAudioSource: Frequency for device 'Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)' is 352800, samples per sec is 44100
16:15:02: Using Monitor Capture
16:15:35: Total frames rendered: 2845, number of late frames: 841 (29.56%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)
Start with not streaming 1080p at 60 FPS. It is very, very heavy on bandwidth, CPU, GPU as well as on your viewers. Either downscale it to 720p @ 60 FPS or just do it at 30 FPS instead.


Well, your setup can't handle it either way; look, almost 1 in 3 frames were late with 1080p@60 FPS.

Anyhow, the one above that would seem to be online:
16:06:03: Total frames rendered: 10178, number of late frames: 46 (0.45%) (it\'s okay for some frames to be late)
16:06:03: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Graceful loop exit
16:06:05: Number of times waited to send: 12, Waited for a total of 49164 bytes
16:06:05: Number of b-frames dropped: 78 (0.78%), Number of p-frames dropped: 78 (0.78%), Total 156 (1.6%)
Whereas you have some dropped frames and some late frames, it's not an unreasonable performance. You say you have trouble streaming? Describe the symptoms.


New Member
There are none, the game runs smoothly everything is ok but in the end when i open the stream i hear only the sound from the game. Also before I reinstall the OS bit rates were 3000-3500


Hadn't looked at your VOD yet, lazy me. That... is a very interesting problem you have there. I mean, the stream seemingly freezing like that is normal behaviour in the case of a fullscreen game losing focus. However, you're obviously playing it, meaning it has focus.

What are your BF3 settings? Because only is it seemingly frozen but it's also not taking up the full height and width of the screen.


No, it shouldn't be a problem. You have superior hardware to mine and my PC has little trouble capturing a Fullscreen Window/Borderless Window in native resolution at even 60 FPS. Although personally I prefer Resolution Downscaling no matter what, as it does tend to actually increase quality (less pixels, same amount of bandwidth -> more bandwidth per pixel).


New Member
I've tested the stream with another game and there were no problems. So my guess is that, the problem comes from the bf3.exe. But don't know how to found it out and how to fix it.