Bug Report Can't select game capture


New Member
When I go to add a game capture i get this These applications require administrator access to capture (start OBS as administrator to capture) when the program is already running as administrator even after multiple resets and even running the games as administrator it still comes up, not really sure on what to do now.


New Member
When I first installed I could do game capture, but after I restarted my computer no sources would show up.
If I reinstall I can see game capture again. I've done this a couple times to get it working.

Try reinstalling.


Town drunk
It sounds like you are using an old version of OBS, newer versions don't require this anymore.


New Member
Krazy said:
It sounds like you are using an old version of OBS, newer versions don't require this anymore.

I'm running the latest Stable - 0.47 Alpha, the only newer version is the test build.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Does it happen on 0.471b? Hmm, not entirely sure what's going on. Could you copy/paste the text it says specifically?