Bug Report Cant pu image , getting crash


New Member
When i am trying to put image i am getting crash all the time

OBS has encountered an unhandled exception and has terminated. If you are able to
reproduce this crash, please submit this crash report on the forums at
http://www.obsproject.com/ - include the contents of this crash log and the
minidump .dmp file (if available) as well as your regular OBS log files and
a description of what you were doing at the time of the crash.

This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\windows\syswow64\shell32.dll' module.

Fault address: 757E24E2 (c:\windows\syswow64\shell32.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.522b
Windows version: 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1

Crashing thread stack trace:
Stack EIP Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Address
0014D4E0 757E24E2 001A04D6 041497C0 00000000 00000000 shell32.dll!Ordinal744+0x713d
0014D50C 757E2641 00000001 0014D560 6E71274D 040EC558 shell32.dll!Ordinal744+0x729c
0014D54C 757E28CF 040EC558 002D05B0 0014D5C8 6E71270C shell32.dll!Ordinal744+0x752a
0014D558 6E71274D 00000001 00000000 002D05B0 00000000 explorerframe.dll!0x6e71274d
0014D568 6E71270C 002D05B0 00000113 00000001 00000000 explorerframe.dll!0x6e71270c
0014D5D0 6E6E3218 001A0592 00000113 00000001 00000000 explorerframe.dll!0x6e6e3218
0014D5F0 763D62FA 6E6E31DC 001A0592 00000113 00000001 user32.dll!0x763d62fa
0014D61C 763D6D3A 0031077C 6E6E31DC 001A0592 00000113 user32.dll!0x763d6d3a
0014D694 763D77C4 6E6E31DC 00000000 0014D728 763FC81F user32.dll!0x763d77c4
0014D6F4 763D788A 0014D744 00000001 01369A50 00000001 user32.dll!0x763d788a
0014D704 763FC81F 001705CA 00000000 00110602 00000000 user32.dll!0x763fc81f
0014D730 763FCDE7 001705CA 00110602 00000000 00000001 user32.dll!0x763fcde7
0014D774 763FCF5C 754B0000 00300F00 00110602 754B3A45 user32.dll!0x763fcf5c
0014D7A0 763FCE8A 754B0000 00300F00 00110602 754B3A45 user32.dll!0x763fce8a
0014D7C0 763FCC0E 754B0000 00300F00 00110602 754B3A45 user32.dll!0x763fcc0e
0014D7E0 754B597B 00300F00 00110602 00000000 0014D89C comdlg32.dll!0x754b597b
0014D82C 754F1B50 003008C4 00000611 00110602 00000000 comdlg32.dll!Ordinal101+0x3b4
0014D858 754F29D0 00000611 00110602 003008C4 0014E9F0 comdlg32.dll!Ordinal101+0x1234
0014D884 754F2B15 00000611 00000000 0014D8F4 754E9A9B comdlg32.dll!Ordinal101+0x1379
0014D8C0 754F2B71 0014D908 0014EC60 0014E9F0 00000000 comdlg32.dll!Ordinal101+0x13d5
0014D8D0 754E9A9B 0014D908 754E9603 754EA2D5 00000001 comdlg32.dll!0x754e9a9b
0014D8FC 754EA33F 0014E9F0 6F28D5C8 0014EC60 0000041A comdlg32.dll!0x754ea33f
0014E97C 011E359A 0014E9F0 00000000 011E4670 00000001 obs.exe!0x11e359a
0014E9BC 011E4E0A 00110602 00000111 0000041A 001305D4 obs.exe!0x11e4e0a
0014EE94 763D62FA 011E4670 00110602 00000111 0000041A user32.dll!0x763d62fa
0014EEC0 763FF943 00000000 011E4670 00110602 00000111 user32.dll!0x763ff943
0014EF3C 763FF784 01379DE0 00000000 00000111 0000041A user32.dll!0x763ff784
0014EF8C 763FF889 00110602 00000111 0000041A 001305D4 user32.dll!0x763ff889
0014EFAC 763D62FA 763FF860 00110602 00000111 0000041A user32.dll!0x763d62fa
0014EFD8 763D6D3A 00000000 77154684 00110602 00000111 user32.dll!0x763d6d3a
0014F050 763D965E 01379DE0 00000000 77154684 0000041A user32.dll!0x763d965e
0014F094 763D96C5 00110602 00000111 0000041A 001305D4 user32.dll!0x763d96c5
0014F0B8 71C44601 002F1AF0 00000000 001305D4 002F1AF0 comctl32.dll!0x71c44601
0014F0D8 71C44663 50010001 00000001 00000000 71BCB495 comctl32.dll!0x71c44663
0014F0F4 71C444ED 001305D4 00000202 00000000 00080029 comctl32.dll!0x71c444ed
0014F154 763D62FA 71BCB495 001305D4 00000202 00000000 user32.dll!0x763d62fa
0014F180 763D6D3A 00000000 71BCB495 001305D4 00000202 user32.dll!0x763d6d3a
0014F1F8 763D77C4 71BCB495 00000000 0014F28C 763FC81F user32.dll!0x763d77c4
0014F258 763D788A 0014F2A8 00000001 01379DE0 00000001 user32.dll!0x763d788a
0014F268 763FC81F 00110602 00000000 0019050E 00000000 user32.dll!0x763fc81f
0014F294 763FCDE7 00110602 0019050E 00000000 00000001 user32.dll!0x763fcde7
0014F2D8 763FCF5C 011E0000 012FD7D0 0019050E 011E4670 user32.dll!0x763fcf5c
0014F304 763FCE8A 011E0000 012FD7D0 0019050E 011E4670 user32.dll!0x763fce8a
0014F324 763FD009 011E0000 0000007C 0019050E 011E4670 user32.dll!0x763fd009
0014F348 74696A7F 748736C8 011E0000 0000007C 0019050E browse~1.dll!0x74696a7f
0014F38C 74684642 011E0000 0000007C 0019050E 011E4670 browse~1.dll!0x74684642
0014F3AC 011E3478 0000007C 0019050E 011E4670 0014F414 obs.exe!0x11e3478
0014F3F8 011E5157 00F51840 00000001 00000000 012169B0 obs.exe!0x11e5157
0014F448 0121876D 000F059E 00000204 00000002 005B0045 obs.exe!0x121876d
0014F560 763D62FA 012169B0 000F059E 00000204 00000002 user32.dll!0x763d62fa
0014F58C 763D6D3A 00000000 012169B0 000F059E 00000204 user32.dll!0x763d6d3a
0014F604 763D77C4 012169B0 00000000 0014F698 763FC81F user32.dll!0x763d77c4
0014F664 763D788A 0014F70C 763E1246 0A81058D 763D78E2 user32.dll!0x763d788a
0014F674 763FC81F 0019050E 00000000 00000000 00000000 user32.dll!0x763fc81f
0014F6A0 011F9516 011E0000 00000000 00292F95 00000001 obs.exe!0x11f9516
0014FAF8 0125A689 FFFDE000 0014FBCC 77349EF2 FFFDE000 obs.exe!0x125a689
0014FB88 765D33AA FFFDE000 767FE03B 00000000 00000000 kernel32.dll!0x765d33aa
0014FB94 77349EF2 0125A6DC FFFDE000 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x77349ef2
0014FBD4 77349EC5 0125A6DC FFFDE000 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x77349ec5

A minidump was saved to C:\Users\Dominik\AppData\Roaming\OBS\crashDumps\OBSCrashDump2013-05-30_10.dmp.
Please include this file when posting a crash report.

List of loaded modules:
Base Address Module


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
This might be a bug with the browser plugin, though I don't know. It seems you're using the browser plugin. You might want to redirect this to the browser plugin thread