Question / Help Cant get full screen on my Hauppauge Plz help!


New Member
So i am new to OBS. I have been messing with it all day and finally figured out what i needed to do to stream from my hauppauge capture card. For some reason when i go to the monitor capture to get my feed to pop up i cant get the screen to fully fit the Broadcasters screen. There is always a black spot that i cant fill i have tried everything so far. Even on my twitch stream there is always and black outline from where i cant fill in the screen. It is getting very frustrating and i am hoping i can get some help :). Thank you.

Btw i have been using the edit screen too move it around but i cant fill it in correctly.


Community Helper
What resolution is the Hauppauge capturing at? 1080p or 720p?

Set your OBS base resolution to match that. If 1080p, set it to 1920x1080 and keep the 1.5x downscale. If 720p, then set OBS to 1280x720 and don't downscale.

The black box is because OBS using your monitor base resolution of 1680x1050, which is doesn't match the aspect ratio of the Hauppauge capture.


New Member
So i have tried setting both of those and its still cutting the bottom off. Im starting to think my computer just dosent like me lol