Bug Report Can't even install it


New Member
So I downloaded OBS and on the 2nd page of the installer this pops up

So I click Yes and go to Microsoft's website and try to update Vista. While running the updater this comes up

Okay..? So now what? The installer still doesn't work even after restarting my PC. Is there any way I can just bypass the pop-up window during setup of OBS? Thanks in advance.


So, which version of Windows do you actually have? I know, it may sound like a silly question but, bear with me on this one. Which version of Windows do you have? Start -> Run -> dxdiag. On the first tab it should say which OS you're running.

Regarding by-passing that popup of OBS -- you could just go with the download that does not use the installer. The installer doesn't do anything essential anyhow.

http://sourceforge.net/projects/obsproj ... p/download


New Member
Kharay said:
So, which version of Windows do you actually have? I know, it may sound like a silly question but, bear with me on this one. Which version of Windows do you have? Start -> Run -> dxdiag. On the first tab it should say which OS you're running.

Regarding by-passing that popup of OBS -- you could just go with the download that does not use the installer. The installer doesn't do anything essential anyhow.

http://sourceforge.net/projects/obsproj ... p/download
Windows Vista Ultimate (6.0, Build 6002)


WayZHC said:
Just update from controlpanel Windows Update. And then check for updates. It gives the right updates.
In this case, it didn't. As the OP said, the update came back with an error. That the update did not apply to his platform. Sometimes that happens with Windows Update and in particular with the Platform Update.