Question / Help Can't Edit Local Recording


New Member
So, I've made several local recordings from my stream using OBS, and I'm having a lot of trouble editing them.

I am currently using Sony Vegas Platinum 9 with VirtualDub & Avidemux for utility with MediaInfo and CodecTweakTool for info checking.

However, if I try to open the output file in Vegas, it says it needs quicktime. I tried installing quicktime, but then it would load the audio but not the video. Checking online, it looks like QT has stopped supporting these versions of Vegas, so no help there.

So, I tried demuxing the video to MPG4v2, which I know works in Vegas, but when I try to import it, it says it can't, though it still plays in WMP or anywhere else I try. VirtualDub won't open either of the files even with the directshow plugin...

I can't seem to figure out the right combination of codecs & demuxing to get this file to open in Vegas, even when I get the info in MediaInfo for the stream to look 100% identical to a file that WILL open in Vegas, Vegas reports that it "couldn't open" the file from my stream...

What do I do?


Try enabling CFR in the advanced settings of OBS. Usually CFR is necessary for video file editing in order for it to work properly.


CFR and AAC audio codec are "must" settigs. CFR = Costant Frame Rate.

Most video editing softwares does NOT support variable frame rate so CFR helps on this case.

Also some editors and players wont play/support MP3 audio in MP4 file. Using AAC fixes this and AAC is better in overall anyway. 192Kbps AAC will be same quality as 320Kbps MP3 is. So AAC is better and more bitrate efficient(not sure about right spelling) codec for audio.

I guess you are using MP3 audio, aren't you? :p it would explain the problems since even demuxing/converting didn't fix it and im sure it didn't change the audio codec at any point from MP3 to another format.


New Member
Actually I was using AAC, and I did remux, but I haven't done a full reconvert yet. But I did not have CFR turned on. Looking at Avidemux, I can use CRF under x264 for mpeg4v2, but nothing called CFR under there. I assume the two are interchangeable? (I hope?). In any case, will enabling CFR for OBS affect my stream quality, as I am using it stream simultaneous to recording locally?


Okay good. Keep using AAC :p

CFR and CRF are two different thigs. Ill try to explain so you wont confuse them :p

CFR = Constant frame rate
CRF = constant rate factor (this setting is also known as a VBR setting "Quality Balance" which can be found from obs encoding tab. Also can be used as a advanced x264 command line setting in obs (like crf=0 would be LOSSLESS))

And usinf CFR will not affect your stream quality at all. It will be more fluid all the time but it might consume 1-3% more cpu horsepower (nothing noticeable) since more frames are rendered compared to variable frame rate


New Member
Awesome, thanks a lot, I'm doing a re-render of the video in avidemux right not (took me a sec to find out how to enforce FPS in avidemux), I'll let you know if that works, and I'veenabled CFR in OBS. Thanks again for the help.


New Member
The re-render doesn't imports into Vegas now, but the video is not accepted, only the audio. :(
Trying a few more things...

UPDATE: Checking MediaInfo, even though I set framerate for the re-render, it's still coming out as variable frame rate...trying to adjust..


Try to capture a short test clip with OBS (cfr enabled) and test if Vegas opens it? Even capturing 10 secs of blackscreen will do. This will confirm if it's working or not for future videos.

And i don't really know what to do with the video file so i can't help with it but someone else might know what to do.


New Member
Even with CFR set in OBS, mediainfo is reporting the file resulting as having Variable frame rate of 30 target, with 29.412-30.303 range. Due to a bug in Avidemux, the framerate resample is inconsistent and may result in a variable rate as well, so my resampled file is 29.97 target with 29.940-30.000 range, but that one is opening now, where the one from OBS still isn't...


New Member
Just tried with custom x264 line as "fps=30" and "--fps 30", both still result in the same target 30, 29.412-30.303 range framerate file...


New Member
Somehow I got one of the clips when re-rendered through avidemux to work in Vegas, but with the same re-render settings, others still won't work. And even the one that works still says variable frame rate...though some come out saying constant and still don't work. :/


New Member
Ok, I tried again with a longer test video, with CFR off, I could resample it and it will work in Vegas, but with CFR on the framerate was still too inconsistent to use without resampling. It will be very annoying if I have to go through and resample every stream capture before I can even start editing it. Lots of wasted time. The CFR setting just doesn't seem to DO anything.


Well for me using Vegas Pro 12, i can just drag and drop the recorded file in and it works (cfr on). Without cfr it gives me an error.

What version of obs are you using?


New Member
Tried this with a longer stream the other day. Even with CFR on, it's still giving me a 29.412-30.303 fps variable frame rate and thus, unopenable in Vegas.


Community Helper
Can you post a log? Is it possible that you're taxing your system while recording and lagging frames?


New Member
It seems I'm facing the same issue! Checking CFR will still result in a variable frame rate shown in MediaInfo for local recordings.
I've tried every OBS version I could find since the option got implemented - with the same result for each. Also did a bit of experimenting with other options without success.

I've uploaded a log of a short recording and its associated output file.
I'd be thankful for any advice.