Question / Help Can't Change Audio Format


Hi i have a Problem i Can't Change in the Options the Audio Format away from 44.1 KHZ Stereo. The Option is Greyed out.

How can i Change the KHZ of my Audio ?


The Helping Squad
I think it should be greyed out at the moment and hard coded. Do you have a special reason that you want to use more? (playing classic piano or something?)


If i'm not completely wrong, RTMP is limited to 44.1KHz audio. Correct me if i'm wrong but i think that's the reason why it's greyed out.


New Member
One reason to have 48k for me would be my game (Rocksmith) is 48k, all my sound mix (mics/bass/effects) in 48k too, audio input (AES/EBU) still 48k ... so it would have been logical to stream in 48k in the end, avoiding a resample.


New Member
Tested 0.56.4 with 48k sound, but it seems the CFR option enabled makes my sound stutter.
See the topic here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=7410&p=41401#p41401
made 2 test streams, with 0.56.4 (48k) = sound stutter at each frame duplicate, then 0.55.4b again (everything else the same but sound 44.1k and no CFR) and the sound is perfect again.